The Wilson Programme Board
The Wilson Programme Board meet regularly to make decisions about developing the health and wellbeing campus. The group is made up of doctors, experts in public health, planning and building design, voluntary sector leaders, community engagement specialists and finance professionals.
They are responsible for directing the project to make sure the health and wellbeing campus delivers the benefits people in East Merton want and need.
They are responsible for directing the project to make sure the health and wellbeing campus delivers the benefits people in East Merton want and need.
- The Wilson Programme Board Co-Chair | Clinical Director for East Merton Model of Health and Wellbeing
- The Wilson Programme Board Co-Chair | NHS Merton CCG Governing Body member
- Chair NHS Merton CCG
- Director of Primary Care Transformation | NHS Merton CCG
- Director of Public Health | London Borough of Merton
- Chief Executive | Merton Voluntary Services Council
- Strategic Estates Lead | NHS Property Services
- Direct of Community and Housing | London Borough of Merton
- Director of Finance | NHS Merton CCG
- Assistant Director for Sustainable Communities, Environment and Regeneration
- Regional Director | Community Health Partnerships
- Development Director | Community Health Partnerships
- Programme Director | Synapsis Health
- Regional Programme Manager | One Public Estate
- Head of One Public Estate | One Public Estate